“Navigating the Balancing Act: The Identity and Responsibilities of Working Women”


BI News, Patna: There is categorisation of women into two halves, the ‘working’ ones and the ‘non-working’ ones. The ‘working’ ones are in the spotlight holding the flag of social prestige. However, there is a need to debate that the patriarchy has never quite understood that how tiring, demanding and stressful it is to be that ‘working’ woman. These women have a dual responsibility of building a name for themselves and earning a livelihood for their self-respect along with discharging the traditional responsibilities of raising kids and managing household and taking care of the associated family members. We must salute these women for creating a gender balance in our society, they are walking a tight rope from being a working woman to a mother, a wife and a care giver to her family.

There is no denial that our society has to rise to the needs of these working women. Their family and their employers all have to share the responsibility of creating a conducive and feasible atmosphere wherein women feel empowered and energetic in making effective contribution as a diligent employee and as a responsible householder. We all are aware that women have the capacity to substantially contribute in our economy of the Country, instead of shunning them as work ‘shirkers’ or ‘incompetent’, there is a need to provide them the right platform to upgrade their professional skills, proper mentorship and give the requisite emotional support to discharge a brigade of responsibilities on their shoulders.Howsoever, cliché it may sound, it is definitely not easy to be born as a ‘woman’.

It is a matter of fact that a girl child from womb till adulthood fights for her survival from female foeticide to gender inequality to child marriage to sexual harassment to domestic violence to bride burning and the list is endless. Lucky are those who have survived it and luckiest are those who haven’t undergone any suffering in their life time. Though the second proposition is difficult to believe! Women in this Century are anyhow breaking the glass ceilings and a time would come shortly when women will no longer have to ‘demand’ for their ‘rights’ rather they would garner the support and encouragement of their male counterparts that they are worthy of and entitled to.