SIA-India’s Advocacy Triumph: Telecom Bill 2023 Revolutionizes India’s Satellite Landscape


BI News, New Delhi : In a historic and transformative decision to promote structural reforms in the telecom sector, the Indian Parliament approved the Telecom Bill 2023 on Thursday, December 21, 2023.This landmark move repeals the colonial era 138-year-old Indian Telegraph Act, 1885. and underscores a commitment to the development, expansion, and operation of telecommunication services in an unprecedented manner, bringing a modern and future-ready legal framework.The bill aims to ensure widespread access to telecommunication services through satellite spectrum assignment in a liberalized and technologically neutral manner.The approved bill adopts a non-auction route and proposes to assign the satellite spectrum through administrative method aligning with global best practices, and emphasizing global harmonization and standardization for satellite spectrum assignments. In this context, SIA-India gratefully recalls and quotes the words of Hon’ble Prime Minister in the Parliament, which are to be engraved in golden letters in annals of space history in India. During his intervention, he emphasized that ‘the non-auction route for the allocation of satellite spectrum is essential for national security ”.

This ground breaking step seeks to bridge the digital divide, enhance rural and remote connectivity, and support critical sectors, thereby transforming India’s satellite landscape facilitating the entry of new technologies and competitors into the market, promoting innovation. SIA-India, backed by its satellite operation and services members such as Viasat/Inmarsat, Asiasat, Hughes Communication, SES, Intelsat, Telesat, Lamhas, and Omnispace, has steadfastly advocated for progressive satcom policies, particularly emphasizing spectrum assignment through administrative licensing.

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The association assumes a crucial role in shaping the future of satellite communications in the country, with its unwavering advocacy efforts extending over 33 months and culminating in this pivotal legislative milestone. At this momentous juncture, SIA-India is pleased to record that the Association’s continuous and dedicated efforts and engagement with higher echelons and policymakers at all concerned levels in the government during this period has proven fruitful, in fostering the growth of a robust satellite industry in India.