Delhi Panchayat Sangh raise concern for increasing pollution in Delhi


BI News, New Delhi:  Delhi Panchayat Sangh, in the meeting of its Panch Pramukhs today, after seeing the problems of small children, elderly, dumb birds and animals due to increasing pollution in Delhi, demanded from the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi and the Chief Minister of Delhi.

To keep Delhi pollution free, forests should be created around Delhi on the Delhi border. And big trees like Banyan, Neem Peepal should be planted in it. Fruit trees should also be planted. dumb birds animals For. And ponds should be made like water bodies at some distance between them. So that the voiceless birds can have a home in these and they can also be protected from pollution.

Panchayat sangh Pramukh Than Singh Yadav said that the government should constitute a board for these forests.And add villages to this also. And decide the responsibility of the concerned department to ensure that they are properly looked after.There should be a separate fund provision for this. Spend it on these until these forests grow big.
Co-chief Sunil Sharma said that on the other hand, the ponds present in the villages of Delhi. Their area should be increased. Similar big trees should be planted there and funds should be released for this also.Their responsibility should be handed over to the villagers. This will keep the environment clean Delhi will get relief from pollution.Secondly, small cow sheds should be opened along with these. So that the forests continue to get fertilizer. And also holy milk for the children.Similarly, green belts should be developed on both sides of the two big rivers Yamuna River and Sahibi River in Delhi.

Delhi Panchayat Union demanded that the government should not create more urban zones in Delhi until it gets rid of this suffocating pollution every year. And don’t make Delhi a slum instead of a clean and beautiful city. Therefore, Delhi Panchayat Sangh has been repeatedly demanding that Delhi should develop rural areas and villages.