Fact-Checking Workshop Highlights Importance of Media Literacy: Sanjay Pandey


BI News, Ranchi: In today’s digital age, almost everyone owns a smartphone and is connected to some form of social media. Amidst this connectivity, misleading information often finds its way to our screens. It is crucial to verify and fact-check such doubtful information before spreading it further. Renowned journalist and media educator Sanjay Pandey emphasized these points while addressing social media activists at a fact-checking workshop organized in Ranchi.

During the workshop, Pandey discussed the challenges of identifying accurate and trustworthy information in the era of social media and the internet. He stressed the importance of approaching such information critically and preventing the proliferation of deceptive content. The participants were introduced to fact-checking tools and websites that can aid in verifying the authenticity of information.

Pandey highlighted the need to raise awareness among people about differentiating between reliable and misleading information. He emphasized that forwarding information without fact-checking can lead to the spread of false messages in society, posing various challenges to the government, administration, and society in terms of security. Pandey urged everyone to scrutinize information before forwarding it, emphasizing the significance of media literacy in today’s digital world.

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The workshop also included a demonstration on how to use Google Lens for fact-checking, enlightening the attendees about a tool they can utilize to verify information. As a part of an upcoming campaign, the participants agreed to work collectively to identify and counter incorrect information circulating on social media platforms.